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Young boy in a yellow jacket holding a backpack and toy truck in a classroom

Prevention Services


Prevention, education, and body safety lessons in schools empower children with the knowledge and skills to recognize, prevent, and respond to potentially harmful situations.

By promoting open dialogue and providing age-appropriate information, schools can help prevent abuse and empower children to speak up if they encounter any concerning situations.  

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Prevention, education, and body safety lessons in schools empower children with the knowledge and skills to recognize, prevent and respond to potentially harmful situations.

By promoting open dialogue and providing age-appropriate information, schools can help prevent abuse and empower children to speak up if they encounter any concerning situations.  


Prevention Services

Expecting the worst from all situations.

Suffering from learning difficulties.


Displaying aggression and social anxiety.

Displaying an inability to relate with others.

Lacking behavioral self-regulation.

Displaying an inability to relate with others.

Displaying an inability to relate with others.

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160,000 students stay home from school every day for fear of being bullied.

Consequences of Victimization  

Indicators of exposure to a traumatic event may include:


School Programs

The Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF) educates and protects children and teens from all types of bullying, abuse, and other types of victimization with evidence-based and evidence-informed prevention education programs. 


The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester (CACGROC) uses the MBF Prevention Education Programs, including MBF Child Safety Matters® and MBF Teen Safety Matters®. MBF Prevention Education Programs are based on 5 Safety Rules that help students prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to any unsafe situation or person.

The programs are effectively designed for a school-wide engagement at all grade levels using a practical curriculum that meets statute and policy requirements, many common core education standards, health instruction, and SEL standards and are aligned not only with Erin’s Law competencies but also the American School Counselor Association Scope and Sequence standards.

Programs are implemented by The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester trained facilitators.  

MBF Child Safety Matters and MBF Teen Safety Matters logos

All grade levels in the MBF Prevention Education Programs cover similar topics. Content is presented in an age and developmentally appropriate way for each grade level. Cultural and gender differences are respected throughout the curriculum and reinforcement materials.

MBF Five Safety Rules


MBF Safe Adults PDF

MBF Safety Rules PDF

Title IX

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

OCFS Mandated Reporter Website

Take It Down: Online Explicit Photo Removal

How to Talk to Kids about Trafficking

Helpful Resources

Know personal information and general safety information and procedures.

Recognize warning signs for yourself and others

Respond to Red Flag warning signs and unsafe situations to stay safe.

Use your voice to say NO, to be an Upstander for others, and to talk to a Safe Adult. 

No Shame. If you are ever hurt, you are never to blame, and you should never be ashamed to tell. 

Implementing MBF Prevention Education Programs:

Direct Instruction: The CACGROC partners with individual schools or districts to provide the Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF) Child Safety Matters® and Teen Safety Matters® curricula directly to students in Pre-K-12th grade classrooms. Preparation training and other necessary or requested professional development training is provided to all staff in the district, and information forums to parents of students.

Administrators and staff can consult with The CACGROC staff as often as necessary and request additional professional development training on topics related to child sexual abuse, reporting procedures, and preventive strategies.

Training of Trainers (TOT):  School staff are trained in the MBF Prevention Education Curriculum for implementation.  

Young girl at a table drawing with a focused expression, with an adult woman behind her whose face is not shown

Direct Instruction: The Child Advocacy Center partners with individual schools or districts to provide the Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF) Child/Teen Safety Matters curricula directly to students in Pre-K-12th grade classrooms. Preparation training and other necessary or requested professional development training is provided to all staff in the district, and information forums to parents of students.

Administrators and staff can consult with The Child Advocacy Center staff as often as necessary and request additional professional development training on topics related to child sexual abuse, reporting procedures, and preventive strategies.

Training of Trainers (TOT):  School staff are trained in the MBP Prevention Education Curriculum for implementation.  

Implementing MBP Prevention Education Programs:

MBF Child Safety Matters® Pre-Kindergarten  

Topics covered include:

General safety and prevention

5 Safety Rules

Social-emotional learning skills

Healthy relationships

Safe/Unsafe touches

Personal space

Bullying/Be Kind

Digital Safety and citizenship

MBF Teen Safety Matters® 6th-8th Grades  

Topics covered include:

General safety and prevention

5 Safety Rules

Social-emotional learning skills

Healthy relationships

Physical, Emotional and Sexual abuse


Sexual assault, Sexual exploitation/Sex trafficking and Sexting / Sextortion

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Digital abuse and other digital dangers 

MBF Child Safety Matters® K-5th Grades

Topics covered include:

General safety and prevention

5 Safety Rules

Social-emotional learning skills

Healthy relationships

Physical, Emotional and Sexual abuse


Bullying and Cyberbullying

Digital abuse and other digital dangers

Digital Safety and citizenship  

MBF Teen Safety Matters 9th-12th Grades

Topics covered include:

General safety and prevention

5 Safety Rules

Social-emotional learning skills

Healthy relationships

Relationship, Physical, Emotional and Sexual abuse


Sexual assault, Sexual exploitation/Sex trafficking and Sexting / Sextortion

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Digital abuse and other digital dangers 

Mental Health wellness and safety

What MBF Prevention Education Programs Does CACGROC Offer to Schools? 

Schedule a Training

To schedule a training for your organization, please fill out this form. 

90 Min

Less is More

Help school staff understand trauma, how trauma affects behavior, how to look for indicators that something may be going on with a student, and how to be a safe space to allow students to share. The training also instructs staff on how to effectively partner with CACGROC during their response to a situation.

90 Min

Circles of Safety 

Understanding and Responding to Warning Signs of Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Children

How can we figure out when a child’s sexual behaviors are concerning? While sometimes obvious, sometimes it’s not so clear. Regardless of the history of the children we work with, there are warning signs in both children and adults that we can respond to and work to create safer environments.

2.5 Hours

NYS Mandated Reporter Training 

CACGROC is authorized to provide the new mandatory training for all mandated reporters in NYS. The training is comprehensive and includes interactive learning exercises that allow participants to test their knowledge using case examples. A certificate of attendance is sent to those who complete the course, with a credit for two hours of training on this topic. Mandated Reporters must complete this updated training by April 1, 2025, to follow N.Y. Soc. Serv. Law § 413(5).

30-60 Min

Child Advocacy Center (CAC) 101

A basic introduction to our CAC as a community resource. Learn what a child can expect when they come to our center what services we provide, and how we can be a resource. 

60-90 Min

ACEs: An Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences

This introductory course will look at the realm of ACEs through a trauma-informed lens and discuss their effects on children and adults including brain development, and social, mental, and emotional impacts. We will discuss Protective Factors that can help prevent ACEs and different strategies that can help build resilience to mitigate the impacts of ACEs. 


CACGROC_ChildAbuseConference Logo-stacked HopefulBeing.png

Save the Date for the 2025

Northeast Child Abuse Conference

Learn more about our premier, nationally recognized child abuse conference led by industry experts each April.

April 23 & April 24

Research shows schools are the best place to implement prevention programs, using a comprehensive approach with universal rules and strategies applicable to all types of victimization. Schools that consistently use a comprehensive, research-based prevention program will generally experience: 

Why School-Based Prevention?

Improved academic achievement

Improved social skills

Safer environments

Improved culture of safety at school

Back of a teenage boy in a black t-shirt and backpack, exiting through a door
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