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Overhead view of hands in a huddle formation, overlapping in center

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우리의 전담 리더십 팀은 우리의 업무를 가능하게 한다는 사명에 헌신과 전문 지식을 제공합니다.


우리의 전담 리더십 팀은 우리의 업무를 가능하게 한다는 사명에 헌신과 전문 지식을 제공합니다.


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확장된 리더십 팀을 만나보세요

그레이터 로체스터 아동 옹호 센터의 리더들은 어린이와 가족에게 영향을 미치기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

고위 리더십

Dr. Daniele Lyman-Torres, President and CEO, smiling and wearing glasses and a red blazer

Dr. Daniele Lyman-Torres

President & CEO

Jaime Anderson, Vice President of Development, Strategy, and Policy, smiling and wearing a white patterned top

Jaime Anderson, MA, CFRE

Vice President of Development, Strategy & Policy

Sheila Girard, Vice President of Finance and Administration, smiling and wearing a black top with a white bow.

Sheila Girard

Vice President of Finance & Administration

Anna Potter, Vice President of Quality, Compliance, and Training, smiling and wearing a blue blouse and black blazer.

Anna Potter

Vice President of Quality, Compliance & Training

Stefanie Szwejbka, Vice President of Prevention Services, smiling and wearing a blue blouse

Stefanie Szwejbka

Vice President of Prevention Services

Carrie Dengler, Executive Assistant, smiling and wearing a blue patterned blouse

Carrie Dengler

Executive Assistant

Geri Brooks-Frasch

Geri Brooks-Frasch

MDT Director

Bridget Martin

Bridget Martin

Director of Development

Shannon Bigongiari, MBA, SHRM-SCP

Shannon Bigongiari, MBA, SHRM-SCP

Human Resources Manager

Durinda Cisco

Durinda Cisco

Events Manager

Kevin Eng

Kevin Eng

National Conference Manager

Laurie Hackleman

Laurie Hackleman

Client Services Manager

Amaris "Tippy" Hood

Amaris "Tippy" Hood

Community Education Manager

Nicole Medicino

Nicole Medicino

Youth Services Manager

Kristine Rush

Kristine Rush

Data Manager


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우리 이사회는 우리의 사명에 헌신하는 열정적인 지역사회 지도자들로 구성되어 있습니다.

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